Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I have dreamed of writing this post a million times.  Sometimes I even had it down, word for word, in my brain.  But now that the time to write it has finally come, I'm so overwhelmed with emotions (joy, excitement, and terror, to name a few) that I can't even be creative about it.  So I'll just go ahead and tell you what we found out on Christmas day and actually started believing when we saw a heartbeat this morning:

I'm pregnant.

Yep, there's a baby in there.  An embryo, actually.  But a healthy-looking blob of an embryo with its heart all a-flutter and everything.  I'm 6.5 weeks along, putting the technical due date somewhere around September 2.  I'll give you more details later, along with my (extensive) plan of care, but for now, let's just revel in the news...there's another Itty Bitty Hill in the mix!  Though there will always only be one Itty maybe this one is Eensy Weensy Hill.  Let's try that on for a few days.  :)  Please join us in praying for a very loooong and healthy pregnancy.


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!! I am very excited to hear this news! I look forward as well to hearing about your plan of care, as your other pregnancy was similar to mine.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happpy for you! Our babies will be a couple of months apart!

  3. YAY! Congrats Nancy and John!!! Praying for a long arse pregnancy for you :)

  4. Best news of my day!!!!!!!! Huge smile and hugs from Haiti! Grow, baby, grow!!!

  5. And...I'm crying. I am so, so, SO very happy for you! EEE! That's me squealing!

  6. I am BEYOND happy for you and John and for Becca to have a sibling! I will pray that your pregnancy is long and as "uneventful" (a positive thing in this case) as possible! I'm doing cartwheels inside (if I tried to do a real one, I might break something. Either in my body or around me.) Congrats!!!!

  7. Congratulations! Such wonderful news!

  8. no way!! Congrats guys!!! Will be praying for all of you!!!!

  9. It's about stinking time. :p

    Love you guys!!!!!

  10. Oh my!!! This is awesome, amazing, wonderful news!! Best wishes for a termie!!

  11. So so happy for the entire Hill family! What a blessing...daily prayers from the Fuqua family!

  12. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for you, Nancy! Old Zion UMC will be praying for a full term baby and a healthy momma!

  13. So excited for another sweet little Hill! Congrats Mom, Dad, and Becca as well as Aunt Jen and the rest!

  14. Yeah! I'm so excited for you all! I will be praying daily for a wonderful growing baby!

