Friday, February 11, 2011

Big Girl Bed!

(As opposed to the "Big Girl Bed?" post from last week.)

We did it!  I bought Becca's big girl bed today (after making 4 trips to 3 stores - ugh)!  She's sleeping in it now.  I just went and check on her - she's all snuggled up, just like she normally is in her crib.  It's a toddler bed (we figured she'd fit in that for quite a while!), but John managed to finagle a bed rail for a twin bed so that the whole side is fenced in.  With all of her blankets and pillows, it looks like a little Becca nest.  She was quiet by the time I walked out of the room and hasn't made a peep since.  I expect that she may get confused when she wakes up in the middle of the night, but we'll see.  It seems the hardest part of it all just may be the assembly process.  (That was...difficult.  I guess $58 beds aren't known for their ease of use, especially when a VERY excited 2-year-old is trying to help.)

But then again, the hardest part was probably the bittersweet/ambivalent mama staring at the crib and realizing that she likely won't ever be putting her baby girl to sleep in there again.  For some reason, I didn't see that coming.  BUT.  She is a big girl, and that has been the goal all along.  I'm supposed to work myself out of a job, after all.

But if I ask her, Becca still tells me that she's Mama's Baby Girl.  And she is.

I'll update tomorrow and add some pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for Becca and her big girl bed! Can't wait to see pictures. Hope you all had a great first night. :)

